Carolyn Ruth Baker
October 6, 1922-
July 21, 2017
Wife, mother, grandmother,
great-grandmother, author,
poet, born again Christian
I Worship You Lord
When the day is bright
The earth in it’s splendor
I enjoy with delight
The gift of days
Beyond three score and ten
Are Cherished each morn
Again and again
I worship you Lord
In the great congregation
When music swells
In grand adoration
I echo the artistry
Of composer and pen
And join in your praise
With a fervent “Amen”
I worship you Lord
When in deep trouble
You prune my way
Of wood, hay and stubble
Your Spirit leads to a higher path
Your Word abides as rod and staff
I worship you Lord when full of years
Staggered by loss, nagged by fears
I bow beneath your mighty hand
Not seeing, yet believing
That your plan
Is blessing of
The highest degree
My Lord and my God
I worship Thee
~Carolyn Ruth Baker, 1998